Environmental Health Services

Continuously protect, promote, and improve the health of the force and their families throughout the Indo-Pacific by providing (1) Role IV reach-back consultations, (2) technical trainings, and (3) on-site environmental health surveillance and analysis.

Human Health Services

To enhance the health and well-being of service members, family members, and Department of Defense beneficiaries throughout the Public Health Command-Pacific area of responsibility by providing for effective health and human services. The Directorate is composed of Army Public Health Nursing, Industrial Hygiene, Health Physics, and Clinical Public Health and Epidemiology.

Veterinary Services

Provide level four veterinary service support essential for force health protection and to project and sustain a healthy and medically protected force. Ensure PHC-P Activities are trained and ready to perform veterinary services missions in support of contingency and stabilization operations. Promote the health and well-being of military families through: food protection; veterinary medical care; and veterinary public health.

Laboratory Science

Provide laboratory analytical services to protect the Department of Defense community, assist with the promotion of health, and aid in the prevention of disease and injury within the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command area of responsibility.

Environmental Health Services

Lieutenant Colonel Hildehardo Viado
Environmental Health Services Director

Laboratory Services

Lieutenant Colonel Suzanne Todd 
Laboratory Services Director

Human Health Services

Colonel Ronald Cole
Human Health Services Director

Veterinary Services

Major Meghan Louis
Veterinary Services Director