Travelling with your family pets can seem daunting, but your local Public Health Activity-Japan veterinary clinic is here to help. Take note of the following information for Air Mobility Command Patriot Express flights, then work with your local travel office and veterinary clinic to ensure a smooth and safe trip for your whole family. Please contact commercial airlines directly for pet travel information during this time of frequent change. While pet ownership and travel can be a challenge at times, United States Transportation Command and PHA-J are working diligently to help as many families as possible as part of our ongoing missions.

Mission Statement

Public Health Activity-Japan continuously protects, promotes, and improves the health of the Force and their Families throughout Japan and the Indo-Pacific.

Food Mission:

Ensures the safety and quality of food and beverage on all Department of Defense installations throughout mainland Japan and Okinawa. Our team of Veterinary Corps Officers and translators conducts robust inspections of food manufacturing facilities that supply the Department of Defense. On the installation, Veterinary Food Inspectors perform daily, weekly, and monthly inspections at the commissary, food court, dining hall, Exchange, food warehouses, and many other food service facilities. The inspectors check for quality and safety of food products when received at installation facilities, during storage, and serving. Our team also ensures recalled product is off the shelf and deters intentional contamination of food and water through surveillance and assessment.

Animal Mission:

Public Health Activity-Japan Animal Health. We strive to leverage Army executive agent responsibilities and the Veterinary Service Program to establish and enforce standards that improve Joint Force health protection. Our Animal Health mission at Public Health Activity-Japan assures effective execution of full-spectrum veterinary service for Army and Department of Defense Veterinary missions. We ensure exceptional quality of life for military working dogs of U.S. Forces and privately owned pets of status of forces agreement (SOFA) members through providing compassionate and high quality medical and preventative care at our six veterinary treatment facilities at U.S. Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marine installations across Japan and our veterinary activity in Okinawa, Japan.
We are here to help our military families PCS with their beloved furry family members and make the daunting process easier while adhering to the Government of Japan, Animal Quarantine Service pet importation requirements. Our providers work to prevent diseases and offer exceptional care for routine wellness, injuries, and illnesses in our communities’ animal patients.
Government of Japan, Animal Quarantine Service pet importation laws.




Vision Statement

Public Health Activity-Japan delivers exceptional public health support to maximize readiness and meet ever-changing challenges. 

Lines of Effort:

#1 Build Readiness
#2 Develop Leaders
#3 Take Care of Soldiers and Families

End State

A tactically and technically proficient Team that sustains a medically ready force through One Health.

Our Units & Branch Sections

  • Zama Branch
    • SHA Section/Camp Fuji Section
    • NAF Atsugi
    • Sagami Depot Section
    • Yokota Section
  • Sasebo Section
    • 8 Naval Vessels
  • Iwakuni Branch
  • Okinawa Branch
    • Camp Foster
    • Camp Kinser
    • Camp Courtney
    • MCFMT
  • Yokosuka Branch
    • NFMT
    • 13 Naval Vessels
    • Yokohama Section
  • Misawa Branch

Supported Installations & Commissaries

  • Zama
    • Camp Zama
    • SHA
    • Camp Fuji
    • NAF Atsugi
    • Sagami Depot
  • Sasebo
    • Sasebo
    • Hario
    • Yokose LCAC
  • Iwakuni
    • Iwakuni
    • Camp Kure
  • Okinawa
    • Kadena Air Base
    • Camp Foster
    • Camp Hansen
    • Camp Kinser
    • Camp Courtney
    • Camp Lester
    • Camp McTureous
    • Camp Schwab
    • Camp Shields
    • Naha Port
    • Torri Station
    • White Beach Naval Facility
    • MCFMT
    • Yokota
    • Yokosuka
  • Misawa